Gelplus Training Videos GelPlus (艾捷 / 原 Agel) 開場 成功的故事 /回到未來 Back to the Future泰國 領導Diamond Joe 10 Factor Branding in Social Network 10 Factors to Brand Your self in Social Network. More Friend & More Follow = More AttractiveEasy to contactBe HumanAlways be “Polite”Positive & Healthy & Professional MannerGood Photo, Smart WritingSharing Valuable StoriesFocus Quality, NOT QuantityConsistencyPround to Represent Gel Plus Agel BLIF System Opening GEL PLUS BLIF System Opening I am aliveI am energeticI am youngI am healthyI am activeI am generousI am innovativeI am happyI am confidentI am wealthyI am strongI am greatI am AgelI am GEL PLUS GelPlus (艾捷 / 原 Agel) : UMI 富含深海褐藻的抗氧化劑,又名”褐藻醣膠”, 可強化免疫系統By Joel Rockwood & Craig Bradley GelPlus (艾捷 / 原 Agel) : HRT 含有心臟所需抗氧化劑和其他營養素,有益於您心臟的健康 ,幫助您的身體產生能量,保護您的心臟並保持 HDL/LDL 膽固醇平衡By Joel Rockwood & Craig Bradley GelPlus (艾捷 / 原 Agel) : FLX 富含 UC Il (非變性 Il 型膠原蛋白) 存在於軟骨和脊椎間盤中 可作為減震劑並強化骨骼By Joel Rockwood & Craig Bradley 了解更多!为什么要服用营养补充剂 ? 為何要食用奈米凝膠食品 ?Learn More! Why should we take nutritional supplements? Why should we take agel ? Join Gel Plus